Korox – aluminium oxide blasting material

Korox® – Special corundum blasting material made from 99.6 % aluminium oxide

  • Alpha corundum with high hardness.
  • It remains sharp-edged until completely worn.
  • Efficacy and ease of use are reflected in its impressive compatibility with the BEGO recycling sandblasters such as Duostar or Protempomatic.
  • When used in pencil sandblasters, Korox® 250 not only removes investment material residues and oxides efficiently, but is also ideal for optimal surface conditioning of non-precious alloys
    prior to ceramic firing
  • The high purity of Korox® means there is no risk of contamination of the alloy surface.
  • Korox® complies with the regulations of occupational safety institutes.
Product details
Availability REF
Korox® 250 (250 μm) , 8 kg 46014
Korox® 110 (110 μm) , 8 kg 46044
Korox® 50 (50 μm) , 8 kg 46062
Korox® 25 (25 μm) , 8 kg 46036

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