VarseoWax Cad/CAST

The resin for the 3D printing of CAD/Cast® partial denture frames and press-to-metal templates

  • VarseoWax CAD/Cast® can be burned out without leaving any residue and thus provides optimal conditions for pore-free, smooth and precise partial dentures.
  • The resin expansion tailored to the VarseoVest investment material facilitates preheating using the shock heat method and significantly reduces the time required for heating.
  • The excellent dimensional stability of the plotted objects enables deformation-free investment and thus excellent accuracy of fit of the cast objects.
  • As a system component of the Varseo 3D print system, VarseoWax CAD/Cast® offers outstanding processing reliability – the printing and processing parameters specially developed for the resin ensure smooth production sequences with reproducible results at any time.
Product details
Product characteristics
Colour Yellow opaque
Modulus of elasticity > 1,500 MPa
Viscosity  700 – 1,500 MPa.s
Density at 22°C approx. 1.10 g/cm³
Layer thickness 50 μm
Flexural strength > 50 MPa
Residual ash content < 0.1% at 700 °C
Wavelength 405 nm
Availability REF
VarseoWax CAD/Cast®, 1 kg 41137

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